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There are currently 7 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
Game Engine
Software application that provides comprehensive facilities to programmers for software development, e.g. Unity Engine, Unreal Engine or Godot.
Game-based Learning
Game based learning (GBL) is a type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Learners work toward a goal, choose actions and experience the consequences of those actions along the way. Through experimentation, they actively learn and practice the right way to do things.
What is GBL (Game-Based Learning)? - EdTechReview
The combination of immersive learning media and game-based learning offers particular potential because the emotional involvement and motivation of learners receive an additional boost. This is especially true of younger target groups.
Gartner Hype Cycle
The Hype Cycle was devised by the market research company Gartner. It provides a graphical depiction of a common pattern that arises with new technologies or other innovations and enables the maturity and potential of a technology to be identified. The five key phases of the Hype Cycle are Innovation Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment and Plateau of Productivity.
Blosch, M., and J. Fenn. 'Understanding Gartner’s Hype Cycles.' (2018).
When content, e.g. the way actors or objects in a scene behave or are interacted with, is directly impacted by the users gaze.
A Form of non-verbal communication through the body - typically the hands or head - that can be mirrored in virtual reality.
Graphics Processing Unit
Processor used for rendering images on displays, where most standalone HMDs use onboard chips with low to midrange and PC's may use dedicated GPUs with high rendering capabilities.