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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.
Embodied Presence
Acknowledging the existence of your body in a virtual environment.
Emotional Presence activation
Evoking an emotional response from the user, e.g. empathy, joy or fun, within a virtual environment.
Empathy Learning
Learning to cultivate empathy / the ability to share someone else's feelings and experiencies.
Employability Skills
The skills which enable people to gain, keep and progress in employment, including skills in the clusters of work readiness and work habits, interpersonal skills and learning, thinking and adaptability skills.
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) - Germany
Explorative Learning
Method to create new ideas and knowledge to adapt to environmental changes through continuous experimental activities.
Eye Tracking
The ability for a HMD to read the position of the user's eyes in addition to head tracking, especially useful for advanced techniques like foveated rendering or user analytics.